In the enchanting backdrop of the Vecchia Masseria, an authentic Sicilian masseria nestled in the heart of the island, the wedding of Joachim and Patricia was a wonderful mix of two worlds: the sparkling spirit of Venezuela and the elegance of Germany.
The vibes of Sicily inspired the wedding concept. We painted this special day with a unique color palette: coral, sage green, yellow, touches of blush pink, and white, creating an harmonious setting that reflected the beauty of the local landscape and the natural elegance of the couple. Prickly pears and cacti were incorporated into all elements of the wedding design, from invitations to floral decorations.
All guests were entertained by the captivating melodies of Jazz and Bossa Nova, performed by the ChikyMo Swing Band and their unique 30s style setting made of a grand piano and a vintage turntable. The celebration of Sicily reached its best with a gastronomic journey through Sicilian delicacies, each dish a testament to the island’s culinary heritage. At the end of the wedding party, Joachim and Patricia gifted guests with mini bottles of local olive oil produced at the Vecchia Masseria.
We were deeply honored to play a part in bringing Joachim and Patricia’s dream to life, and our hearts soared with joy to see their love story grace the pages of the esteemed international blog Wedding Sparrow.